Computer Chemistry Consultancy - XML4Pharma, Katzelbachweg 18, A-8052 Thal, Austria, |
The Ricin molecular structure consits of two disulfide linked subunits (each about 30,000 MW), called the A- and the B-chain. The A-chain is composed of 267 amino acid residues and is classed as an N-glycosidase. The toxically active A chain of ricin is approximately 30% helical and contains 7 alpha helices. It also contains about 15% beta structure which is made up of a five stranded beta sheet. The B-chain is composed of 262 amino acid residues and is classed as a lectin. The B chain has an affinity for bindig to galactosides and posseses two galactose binding sites that are attracted to galactose containing glycoprotiens at the cell surface. The A and B chain glycoproteins are linked by a disulfide bond located at residue 259 of the A chain and residue 4 of the B chain.
Ricin can easily be extracted from the Castor bean by cold or hot pressing.
Those expecting high-tech labs for the "synthesis" of Ricin, must thus be disappointed.
It would be more appropriate to call Ricin "the poor terrorist's chemical weapon".