Computer Chemistry Consultancy - XML4Pharma, Katzelbachweg 18, A-8052 Thal, Austria,

Computer Chemistry Consultancy - an independent company

Computer Chemistry Consultancy is independent from any other companies. This means that:

  • Computer Chemistry Consultancy is not a subsidiary of any company, be it a software company or a computational chemistry company.

  • Computer Chemistry does not closely work together with any software company for the chemical and pharmaceutical industry. We however have contacts with these companies in order to obtain as much usefull information as possible about their products and services.

  • Computer Chemistry Consultancy does not receive any fees from software companies, even when, on advise from us, you buy software from a software company.

  • Computer Chemistry Consultancy helps you to minimize your costs and maximize the obtained functionality when acquiring software from software companies.

  • Computer Chemistry Consultancy is a critical "watcher" of software companies for the chemical and pharmaceutical industry.

    Computer Chemistry Consultancy, June 2001